Dawn of Disruption
Home - Dawn of Disruption
Understand Artificial Intelligence in just a couple of hours
…..and have huge fun innovating along the way
The Dawn of Disruption Experience
Dawn of Disruption is a fun, experiential session that centres around the playing of the Dawn of Disruption board game. Through the game, you learn about how companies worldwide are innovating using artificial intelligence. You then use this learning to brainstorm how to futureproof your company and your people. It is a non-technical session and is suitable for all employee levels, no matter what their background.
Dawn of Disruption has become a global success and is now available in South Africa, Australia, the United Kingdom, the US and Israel
How do the sessions work?
Eye-opening talk about artificial intelligence and the way it is impacting the world
Playing the Dawn of Disruption Game – in multiple teams of four or eight individuals
Interactive session applying the discoveries and learnings from the game to your company
Key benefits and outcomes
New game-changing ideas for your company
Improved understanding of AI
Improved innovation culture through fun, interactive experience
Starting point to futureproof your company and your people